Endangered Species Chocolate

A B2C Natural Chocolate Company

The Need

Endangered Species Chocolate (ESC) is a leader in the natural chocolate segment, with a strong mission to support wildlife habitats and conservation. With many entrants on the natural chocolate category in recent years, the brand wanted to better define what set them apart while also satisfying evolving consumer preferences. Additionally, ESC was about to launch significant product innovation and wanted to deliver a successful launch by attracting new and existing customers to the brand.

Kick-starting growth for a legacy chocolate brand with a new product launch.

The Work

  • Category analysis among 10 competitors that identified a  Helped articulate a clear, authentic Brand Idea that was in line with category growth trends.

  • Helped launch a new product to market with a marketing plan that focused on new advertising channels and new messaging.

  • Helped the brand develop systems and practices around metrics and tracking, new product launches, public relations and innovation strategy.

  • Trained the team on core marketing strategies and principles to grow the business.

  • Helped identify new agency and creative partners to deliver quality work, at great value in line with new brand standards.


  • The strategic marketing plan turned the business from years of negative growth to positive growth at the clients most valuable retailer.

  • Helped the brand achieve its product launch sales goal, which puts the business on track to reach its long term innovation revenue target.

Anne came with deliverables. She knew where she wanted us to go, and recommended actionable things we were able to do. She is results oriented and very practical.
— Curt VanderMeer, CEO Endangered Species Chocolate